WWW Wednesday – June 5, 2024


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Nothing at the moment, as I’m happy to report I’m completely between books right now.

Recently Finished

RoadsidePicnicOver the weekend I pushed myself to finish reading the last quarter or so of Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. I really enjoyed this novel, which felt like it packed in a lot despite ultimately being rather short. One chapter interestingly moved away from the main character, giving us a different glimpse into how things operate in this town and including a conversation with a drunk scientist where the concept of the “roadside picnic” is brought up overtly. The other character openly resents the notion that it may just be a bunch of crap aliens left behind without a care, that this insults humanity. Though maybe a little on the nose, I feel this is a very realistic reaction and discussion; people who believe in the inherent exceptionalism of humanity would be insulted by the mere suggestion that aliens visited and moved on without a care, that the stuff left behind must be a test for us.

What If 2In a surprise turn, I also managed to finish reading What If? 2 by Randall Munroe yesterday while sitting in the waiting room while my car was getting looked at. I don’t have much more to say about this book; I really liked it, and I was surprised to find how breezy of a read it actually is once I actually sat down and read a lot of it at once. I rated it exactly the same as the first book, which makes sense to me. I wasn’t so in love with these that I would give either five stars, but they’re both solidly good enough that they deserve four, and this book seamlessly continues what the first book was doing, which is for the best. Looking back at my own review of that first book, it’s funny to realize that a review of this one probably wouldn’t sound that different.

Reading Next

I still need to read comics I’ve been repeatedly saying I’d get to, but I’m giving myself a break considering I was able to get two books finished this week. I still need to make up my mind what I’m reading next though, as I’m actually feeling a little stuck on that. I want to start Authority by Jeff VanderMeer for instance, but I’m feeling a bit of a break from science/science fiction first. We shall see.

Until next time, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.

WWW Wednesday – May 29, 2024


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

RoadsidePicnicI made some decent reading progress this past week, though editing work has picked up again, so I haven’t had as much free time for reading as normal. Still, I managed to get a little further along in What If? 2 by Randall Munroe. I’m continuing to enjoy this book a lot; I especially love his deadpan responses to questions that are obviously fatal. I managed to get an especially good chunk of Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky finished, such that I’m a little over halfway through it now. It’s not especially long, so I’m hoping I can get myself to finish it up by next week. The effect of the Zone on the stalkers trying to raid it and the strange devices found within is becoming increasingly disturbing. It’s not just that we don’t understand what the tech is for, but the effects they have on us are unnerving. Legs touched the “hell slime”? You’ve got no bones below the knees now. Yikes.

Recently Finished

Nothing this week.

Reading Next

Marvel 1602I think I’m being stupid with how I’m neglecting comic books lately, so I decided before I started writing this post that I’m going to read Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman before next week. Considering it’s a comic book by Gaiman, I’m not sure how I’ve gone so long without trying to read it, especially since I’ve owned a copy for a while now. This simply needs getting done, and I’m starting to get impatient with myself. The prospects with reading this book are actually quite exciting, as I actually know very little about it. It’s just one of those books you hear about somehow, but I’ve never actually seen anybody talk specifics or reference it in an obvious way. It seems such an odd time period to place superheroes too; I hope I enjoy it.

Until next time, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.

WWW Wednesday – May 8, 2024


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Nothing new at the moment. I’m still technically reading What If? 2 by Randall Munroe, but I haven’t made any progress on it in a little while.

Recently Finished

Watership DownOn Monday I finally finished reading Watership Down by Richard Adams, and I have such weirdly mixed feelings about this book. Though it seems there are a number of books akin to this one about animal societies, I’ve not read much of any of them, so I found this book to be a uniquely weird and earnest reading experience. I wonder how many of the others are like this one; I always heard about this book being for kids, but I think I would’ve bounced right off of it when I was younger. It’s surprisingly dense for what it is, takes its time moving the plot along, and deals with surprisingly heavy subject matter. Toward the end, I was legitimately a little stressed out while reading it. All in all, I think it’s a great book, but I frequently had to force myself to read it, so something about it I struggled with too. I have another review in the pipeline almost finished, but I want to get this reviewed too, hopefully a lot closer to the date I’ve finished reading this time.

Reading Next

RoadsidePicnicAs I’ve said in previous weeks, I want to start reading Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky pretty soon. I’m hoping I’ll get this book finished a lot faster after Watership Down slowed my momentum considerably for two months. With that in mind, I can’t help but think about other books I want to start soon after. I’m considering The Truth by Terry Pratchett, but perhaps I may start Authority by Jeff VanderMeer instead. There are a lot of series I feel I need to continue, so I ought to pick up one of those after the last couple of books have been standalone. I need to make myself read more comics too, as usual, but I haven’t decided on what to read next yet.

Until next time, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.

WWW Wednesday – April 24, 2024


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Watership DownI managed to make some pretty good progress in Watership Down by Richard Adams, putting me at nearly three quarters of the way through. It’s an odd reading experience that I don’t have too often where I genuinely have good things to say about a book, but when it comes down to it, I have very little motivation to read it, especially in huge chunks. I think perhaps it is the writing style, which tells a good story overall but has a dryness to it that makes reading it feel like more of a chore than I’d like it to. It perhaps comes across like something written for children by someone who doesn’t quite know how to write for children. At any rate, things are coming to a head in the story as the rabbits of Watership Down are about to kick off their big plan to extract female rabbits who wish to leave the oppressive Efrafa warren. I suspect imminent losses and heartache before the deed is done.

What If 2I also started reading What If? 2 by Randall Munroe, the second book where the author provides serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions. It’s proving to be as much fun as the previous book, and as expected it feels precisely like a continuation of what the last book was doing. It’s funny how humbling a serious answer like the ones this provides can be to a question that at least feels a little plausible, such as the question about how many pigeons it would take to lift somebody on a lawn chair to the top of a skyscraper, which would technically require an amount of pigeons that dwarfs the size of the Earth in order to pull it off. Sounds an absurd number on its own, but as he lays it out it makes a troubling amount of sense.

Recently Finished

Nothing this week!

Reading Next

The Lost WorldAside from my need to read more graphic novels, I’ve got my eye on shorter reads for what I might pick up next to make up for the lost momentum that reading Watership Down has caused. I still have my eye on Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, though I can’t quite remember how long it has been since I even mentioned wanting to read that book (if I even have, I’m struggling to remember). I just eyeballed The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and noticed that it looks quite short, so I may take some time to blitz through that quickly as well, so long as it too doesn’t turn out to feel too dusty and old fashioned of a read.

Until next time, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.

WWW Wednesday – April 17, 2024


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Watership DownI’m still chipping away at Watership Down by Richard Adams; I’ve made some progress in the last couple of weeks, but not nearly enough. I actually determined that I allowed a full two weeks to pass without reading a single page of it. I guess I’ve just been a little thrown for a loop lately, which is a shame, because I had some decent reading momentum going before this. At any rate, I’m still enjoying the book fine. I’m particularly interested in the ideas posed by the text about humanity as compared to animals, with the rabbits marking themselves and animals as distinct from the nature of humans, but it is notable that they actually act a lot more like people than this rhetoric suggests, especially in darker ways. A lot of what’s going on feels analogous to human societies, but I wonder how much this is incidental or intentional commentary on the part of Adams.

Recently Finished

The Storyteller GhostsOver the weekend I read through Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts, a graphic novel anthology by various artists telling ghost stories. I’ve taken to peaking at the graphic novels at the library and just grabbing something and this one caught my eye. It’s funny, I’d never even heard of the show The Storyteller before (starring John Hurt), but the combination of ghost stories and Jim Henson was enough to grab my attention anyway. It turns out there’s quite a few of these volumes now too, with the titular character and his talking dog just playing host to tales collected under a theme. It’s wonderfully accessible, and this was a really solid collection that went to some surprisingly dark places for something with Henson’s name on it. I don’t know if I’ll hunt down any more to read, but this was a nice brisk reading experience.

Reading Next

What If 2Though I still need to keep my attention focused on Watership Down, I decided to take out another book from the library that I will hopefully start chipping away at in the same way that I did with Video Game of the Year; I picked up What If? 2 by Randall Munroe. I really enjoyed reading the first one, which I read an ebook copy of, and instead of fussing over what format I’d want to pick this next one up in, I’m just borrowing it instead. The idea, if you’re not aware, is the author gives serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions, which makes for great bite-sized reading, if you’re in the mood for that. I’ll likely start it soon, so long as it doesn’t distract too much from what I need to finish already.

Until next time, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.