WWW Wednesday – July 1, 2020


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Hellboy Unnatural SelectionI haven’t finished reading Hellboy: Unnatural Selection by Tim Lebbon like I planned to last week, but I am less than 100 pages away from finishing it, so I got pretty close. I’ve got weirdly mixed feelings about this rather action-heavy novel. On the one hand, it is exactly what I wanted as a palette cleanser: pulpy fun. My mind does glaze over occasionally while reading extended action scenes, but Hellboy fighting a bunch of dragons wreaking an airport does make for good fun. I’m oddly most interested in the characters introduced in this novel though, i.e. none of the series main-stays. I think the writing is best when told from their perspective. A lot of the characters come of as low-key hot for each other too, which I’ve found strange. I’ll probably have it finished and a review up in the next week.

Recently Finished

Immortal Hulk AbominationOver the weekend I read The Immortal Hulk: Abomination by Al Ewing et al, the fourth volume in the series, and it has reminded me just how much I love these books. It’s a series about the Hulk told within the main Marvel Comics continuity, but tells it as a horror story. This story introduces a new interpretation of the Abomination, as well as a strange new form for the Red She-Hulk, both of which I really liked. The Abomination was absolutely haunting, which is amazing considering how mainstream and often cartoon-y these big hulking brutes are as superhero characters. Beyond the body horror of it all, I love how the psychology of Banner and the different personalities that reside within him are fleshed out and given depth.

Reading Next

Different SeasonsIt has been a week, yet before I started writing this I realized that I still hadn’t made a decision on what book I want to read next. Well, I have made a snap decision. I will finally start reading Different Seasons by Stephen King. If I remember correctly, this collection of novellas was one of the first of his books that I bought when I really started getting into his work outside of The Dark Tower, yet I let it languish while I read through others instead. It’s time to fix that. This will be a long one, but I’m hoping his writing style will help me breeze through it. My understanding is these stories have less of a horror bend to them as well, one having been adapted into the film Stand By Me and another The Shawshank Redemption.

Until next week, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.

12 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday – July 1, 2020

  1. For reasons I’m not sure I can articulate, Hulk as the moon freaks me out a little bit LOL. I am so not liking that cover haha. I think it’s really interesting that the series is told as a horror story, though! I haven’t read Different Seasons yet, but I also didn’t know that a couple of the novellas were adapted into those films. Huh. That makes me all the more curious about it. We inherited my mother-in-laws Stephen King collection when she moved, and I’m sure it’s probably in there, so once I start unpacking my library, I’ll have to check and give it a go, because now I’m curious!

    Here’s my WWW post.

    • That big mug looking down at you from the moon would certainly be off-putting lol. The Shawshank Redemption is such a great film, I’m really curious how the original story stacks up against it. I ended up getting some King books from my dad too, though he specifically said he wants them back if I no longer want them. It’s weird how they became fixtures in my house growing up; I have distinct memories of just looking at the spine of IT without really knowing what it was about. I just knew it was spooky lol

  2. Hellboy sounds interesting! I feel like I haven’t read an action-based novel in a while and I’d love to read something that incorporates it into the genre soon. I’ve been reading lots of literary fiction and non-fiction lately so I feel like I need the opposite of that right now. Happy reading!

    • I was exactly where you’re at with the literary fiction. The last novel I finished wasWhite Tears, which was quite heavy, and before that I read a scientific nonfiction book. Even though I was slowly reading a Star Wars book concurrently with those, I really wanted more light reading for a little break.

    • I’m really curious about that book, it sounds like an interesting time travel story. Apparently there’s a reference to IT in it as well. I like it when he connects his books like that.

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