WWW Wednesday – September 9, 2020


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

The other day I started reading Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett, the 17th Discworld novel. I’m just over 20% of the way in, and so far it’s feeling like it might be above average in the series. After 16 books patterns do emerge, so it’s good to see things mixed up. It’s kind of dizzying how long it’s been since Rincewind was a lead character. The faculty of the Wizard’s College has been so well-defined for so many books, but here it dawned on me that Rincewind had never interacted with Archchancellor Ridcully. That was quite enjoyable. There is a good balance between Rincewind acting exactly like his old self, while still giving the sense of all the development he’s had in the past. He is a seasoned adventurer, after all, even if he’s always running away.

Recently Finished

Over the weekend I finished reading Kong Unbound, a collection of essays about the 1933 King Kong film, and I was simply elated to get it finished. It wasn’t awful, but the fluff problem persisted throughout most of the book. Also, if I ever have to read about what someone thinks of Kong ripping off Ann’s dress again it’ll be too soon. One essay by Joe DeVito started like many others, just an old guy reflecting on his childhood love of the film, but fortunately developed into talking about a Kong book series he made that I’d never heard of before. I’d certainly like to check those out, so the experience isn’t a total loss if I come away with some new books. Alan Dean Foster had a good essay too, but I’m still pretty adamant about not reviewing this. I have little else to say.

Reading Next

I want to stay on top of things better, with time being of the essence for completing my reading list, so I’ve decided I’m going to try and quickly read Thermopylae by Paul Cartledge, a history book about the titular battle between Greece and Persia, known by many for the famous 300 Spartans who held the position for so long, despite the odds. I read another book about Spartan history by the author many years ago. I meant this to be a companion read to that, but I didn’t actually crack it open in a timely fashion. Better late than never.

Until next week, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.

10 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday – September 9, 2020

  1. Thermopylae sounds awesome! Unfortunately I can only say that the only history books I’ve read for leisure are more recent. I’d love to start delving into them further. Happy reading!

    • I don’t actually read much history myself, which I should probably fix, this is just a holdover from when I was more interested in Greek history and mythology. Any recommendations from what you’ve read?

  2. I love that you aren’t going to waste your time reviewing Kong when you just didn’t love it. I feel like hate (or great disappointment) reviews are easy to write but add little to the discussion.

    I’ve added Thermopylae to my reading list. I am always interested in history but I skip over huge sections without meaning to – this is one of them.

    Have a great week!

    • I’ll review a book I didn’t like, it was more that Kong Unbound was so unremarkable and fluffy that it felt pointless. The book felt more like a product. I hope you enjoy reading Thermopylae when you get to it 🙂

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