New Books & Novel Discoveries (May 2024)

May was nearly a historic month for these monthly posts; since I started them in 2018, I’ve always had at least a new book or two to share every month. May 2024 was very nearly the first month in all of this time where I didn’t get any new books whatsoever. I was almost excited about it, in a weird way. Money being a little tighter due to car trouble has been the main reason, but it hadn’t happened before either, so it was remarkable in its way.

Enough dawdling, let’s see what managed to sneak in.

New Books


Apostles of Mercy is the third book in the Noumena series by Lindsay Ellis. I really enjoyed the first book, but have still yet to read the second one, Truth of the Divine. Nevertheless, I’ve been a fan of Ellis since before she became an author, so I wanted to show my support by preordering it anyway. And that is how this book managed to sneak in; I had a preorder waiting in the wings, and though it wasn’t officially set for release until June, my copy showed up in time for me to pick it up on May 31, right all the eleventh hour.

Novel Discoveries

Prairie Edge

It’s funny, as it turns out I didn’t add any new books to my TBR until May 31st as well, when I went to pick up my preorder. May was very nearly a completely dead month for these posts.

Prairie Edge caught my eye because of its rather striking cover (you know I’m a sucker for those). Turns out, it’s Native Canadian literature, which I also quite enjoy, about two Métis cousins with a plan to set loose a herd of bison in downtown Edmonton in the name of protest. This may end up being a library read rather than a purchase, since I’m not too familiar with the author, but I’d definitely like to check this book out, especially since I’m always trying to keep an eye out for Canadian literature.

Until next time, thank you for reading!

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