WWW Wednesday – August 28, 2019


WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme run by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. Check out her post and others over on her blog!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Small GodsI’ve started reading Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, the 13th novel in the Discworld series. I’m only 10% into the book, but unfortunately I’m having mixed feelings so far. I’m not sure if I’ve just not been in the right mindset for it while reading, but I feel like I don’t have a solid anchor to secure myself to in the story, if that makes sense. The narrative keeps bouncing all over the place, and while I am absorbing some of the world building, it feels a little too scatterbrained. This is the first novel in this series where I’ve felt this way and I’m hoping it’s an anomaly. Better yet, I hope my tune changes as I get further along, but it’s much too early to tell right now.

Recently Finished

TheSevenDeathsOfEvelynHardcastleOver the weekend, as expected, I finished The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. At this point, giving an accurate tally of Evelyn’s deaths feels like a spoiler, so I’m just going to say the title may be misdirection (false advertising) but also maybe not. I expect to have my review posted tomorrow. I wanted to have it up yesterday, but I work nights and I felt very tired after getting home, which is when I meant to finish it. I really enjoyed the book, it definitely deserves much of the hype, but I actually have felt some drawbacks once all was said and done. Toward the end of the novel Turton’s bending of his own rules began to grate on me. I could still just go with it, but not completely willingly.

Reading Next

CoralineThere are four months and change left of the year and I have a lot of books on my scrappy list to-read to get through before it’s done. I’m afraid I’m going to fail once again. Nevertheless, it is crunch time. It’s the 11th hour of power (maybe). Time to get these books read. That being said, I’m choosing to read Coraline by Neil Gaimain next. It’s almost spooky season, and I’ve got more suitable books than I will likely get through in October, so it’s time to start dipping my toe into the abyss a little.

Until next week, thank you for reading! Feel free to share your own post down below.


19 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday – August 28, 2019

    • In some cases it certainly seems he did get confused, though I can forgive a few slip ups here and there. Without getting too specific, it was how Aiden was able to makes changes that started to bother me.

      Happy reading!

  1. There are definitely a few inconsistencies and slips in Seven Deaths but I have yet to come across a time travel type story that doesn’t have them so I was willing to overlook. I think I just loved the uniqueness of the idea and diversity in the main characters.

    In terms of the tally of deaths, I have a theory on that but it’s really spoilery so I’m struggling to hint to it.

    • Definitely, time travel is so tricky, it’s almost impossible to have one work out perfectly. There’s just some specific things that go a little too far for me. The characters and their different mindsets were certainly a highlight for me as well. I’m really curious about your theory, but I totally get feeling the need to dance around spoilers lol

  2. Enjoy your reading! I really need to pick something up by Terry Pratchett!
    I’m currently reading To be taught, If fortunate and I’m listening to deviate 🙂


    • One of the best things about his Discworld series is, despite the length, you really could start anywhere, just to get a feel for it. I’m only reading through them in release order out of preference. The first one I ever read was the 15th novel in the entire series and the second in a sub-series, but I had no trouble getting into it.

      • Ooh that’s good to hear! But I think for me reading in publication order does sound interesting too!

  3. I hope Small Gods gets better for you! Sometimes I feel the same way but if it’s a sequel I love I’ll try to push through it and most times I end up loving it! Hopefully it will come together for you soon.

    • Thanks, I’m hopeful that it’ll pick up for me. Pratchett hasn’t disappointed me yet. And if this just happens to be one these books I prefer less than the others regardless I can live with that.

  4. Have you read Mort or Reaper Man yet? More Reaper Man, I guess. I felt like that had the bouncing around quality, but I liked the chaos of it (during a scene that was meant, indeed, to be chaotic).

    Booo for no tally, but understandable. Now I’m curious to see just what makes that a spoiler. I guess I’ll see whenever my hold comes through for it. 😉

    • I have, and I absolutely love the Death books. For Small Gods it was just a little jumpy around the intro, I guess. I’m a little further along and enjoying it more.

      • Ah, I see. I was just curious how jumpy it was like in comparison to the others, because I haven’t picked up Small Gods yet. I’ll have to watch for that when I get to that one, I guess, because I can sometimes easily loose threads if it’s too jump. I mean, me, easily distracted? Who would have guessed, right? xD

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